He has a huge shelf in his bedroom holding all his collections - I should take a photo and show you, it's quite impressive really.
Lately I've been itching to start painting again and the treasures I find hidden in his pockets and hanging out in the car and gracing surfaces here and there around the house have become my inspiration. Rather than trying to throw them out when he is not looking I am appreciating them.

So this is my first paining - From his pockets #1 - a feather, bottle top, gum nut, cork, bread tag and acorn.

He always remembers where he has found each treasure, each has it's own story.

That cork there ended up having an interesting tale, it turned out it was somebody's momento from a new years day celebration, on the back is written 1/1/88.

I am now looking for the subjects of painting #2, and there is plenty to choose from.
He set up this treasure pile in the living room recently - I had to take photos before he would pack it away. It reminds me of one of those eye-spy books where you have to find certain hidden objects.

Love your painting!! Not so keen on the thought of that whole collection of $$ might have to be stashed in my car for the trip south! Might have to make a weight restriction.though he would probably 'trade' Isla's share.
I consider you’ve created some genuinely exciting points. Not too most people would in reality consider about this the way you simply did. I’m really impressed that there’s a lot about this topic that’s been uncovered and you also did it so tremendously, with a lot class.
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