You know some days I could quite happily potter all day in my kitchen. It's a funny pokey little place, and there's chipping paint and mismatched shelves, and things crammed in and a significant lack of bench space. But it really doesn't matter, I just love being in it.

I love making food to feed my family. I like to be thoughtful about what food goes into our pantry, and into our mouths. I love putting ingredients together, a bit of this, a bit of that to create nourishing things to fill tummies. And I love the helping hands that are always right beside me. Often two sets of hands, but more often one set. I laugh to myself that I don't need a flour shaker - I had been on the look out for one at the opp shop - as I have a special automated one now.

After our house extension is completed, we are planning on converting our now lounge into a new kitchen. I must say I am very much looking forward to it, lots of big benches, and a walk in pantry (!), and room to fit all my kitchen bits. But if it didn't happen, it wouldn't matter, because it's not about the space but about what goes on in there that makes cooking so enjoyable.

I have been doing a lot of thinking about food lately, about what we eat, every ingredient, and how it affects us, and I just find it all so fascinating, and the more I learn the more interesting it becomes - and the more little changes we make to what we eat.

As small signs of spring keep appearing here and there I am starting to dream about getting started on my vege garden. We are blessed to live in a fairly mild climate and so the vegetable garden produces all year round really. But I'm starting to dream of tomatoes, lots and lots of tomatoes, I'm thinking about pasta sauce and tomato sauce and chutney and dried tomatoes, enough to fill my pantry and freezer and last me till the next tomato season, do you think I can plant enough tomatoes to do this? And basil too, I'm planting twice as much basil this year, because my frozen pesto ran out far too quickly last time.

I have lots of things to share in the kitchen/food department with you. Some great, recently discovered, and gifted books. And tasty recently discovered recipies, and old favourites too, that are bit my bit filling up my beloved recipe box (which is another whole story altogether).

So perhaps this rambly kind of post that I'm writing just now could be an introduction of sorts, to lots of lovely tasty foodie things to come :). Because, perhaps, do you think, a very close second to the enjoyment of making and creating and hanging out in the kitchen, is the joy of sharing with others about the making and creating and hanging out.

It would be nice if you were all a bit closer so you could pop over in person and taste the muffins we made on Sunday, and the crackers that we are gobbling up this week - oh and you could share your favourites with me too! - yes that would be nice :). But most of you are not, so I shall share here, as well as I can, and hopefully you might enjoy it as much as I do.

mmmm...i'm hungry just thinking about it! looking forward to you sharing some foodie delights x
You have a busy, productive, warm and friendly looking kitchen. I bet there are some delicious smells going on in there.
It all looks so wonderful, I have to say I look forward to your sharing and am a tad enviouse of your relation ship with food...im not great at creating in the kitchen,so the recipes will come in handy.
I am also very jealous of your relationship with food. I always start out with good intentions and then end up being lazy and grabbing pre-packaged things or going for easy options, especially since #2 came along. I am very interested to see what you have to share, hopefully it will motivate me to spend a little more time in my kitchen preparing tings other than chocolate cake!!
I am so blessed to have you Hanna - a daughter in law who loves and is inspired by food. I love your meandering visit to the delights of your kitchen even though it is not what you know you will have. Lance tells me Australian Masterchef is showing in NZ now - at 5pm. They record it !! already an addict. It was almost a grieving process when it finished here.
Love GG
Love this post. Especially the pictures. Gorgeous. I've been thinking of making my own crackers....you have inspired me to give it a go
yummy! I've been busy trying some new stuff in the kitchen too... some vegan recipes even, not that we're vegan. We made bliss balls today which I'll have to blog as they're so yum and mostly just fruit and nuts.
I love your food posts! Can't wait. Your kitchen is lovely and inviting. I especially love seeing that wee girl sitting on the counter right by your side as you cook.
Your photos are beautiful and inspiring!
You are SO inspiring. Seriously, every time I read a post of yours I'm ready to quit my job, start having babies and be a happy productive stay at home mom. I love how thoughtful you are about what you feed your family.
oh i'm so happy to see a new post from you. there is nothing quite like a little baking to make me feel quite accomplished. yum. it all looks lovely.
And I can sure vouch for the sour dough bread recipe! Best ever bread I've ever made! No more trips to the health food shop for my loaf of sourdough. Now all we need is cheesemaker in the family... oh and an olive grove.
Oh how i enjoy peeking into your kitchen, Hanna. It's so lovely and beautiful and welcoming!
I'm looking forward to hearing more of your thoughts on food and your adventures in veggie growing.
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