My friend has just bought a house nearby us, with a large established garden. Eleven different fruit trees I think we counted. Her life is rather busy at the moment, which means no time for the garden and all the things it's producing . So I'm taking it upon myself to see that nothing goes to waste :)
One very large rhubarb plant this week has turned into 4 jars of stewed rhubarb, 12 cups of sliced rhubarb to go into the freezer (for using later in baking and quite possibly strawberry and rhubarb jam) ...

and one batch of rhubarb muffins (using this recipe).

I think it's a pretty good relationship we have going really. She provides the fruit, I do the labour, and we split the results.
I'm thinking about her HUGE plum tree as I type this, covered in little green plums. It's going to be a mammoth task, but I think I'm up to it. I'm thinking mainly bottled whole plums, some stewed, a bit of jam, and maybe some kind of chutney. I had better start collecting up jars.
WOW!! Do your feet ever stay still??!! Well done and it is great to see bottled and preserved fruit as it seems to be a rarity these days. It tastes so much better and is great not to have all those preservatives and additives in it. Well done and take care. Have a special weekend.
oooh yum! I have a small plant that I put in last year, hopefully it won't be too long till I can harvest mine.
Me, I never get sick of bottled plums. Bottled plums with rice pudding, icecream, weetbix, on their own, with cream, custard, or yoghurt. Get HEAPS of bottles, that's what I would do!
OH WOW! How incredible!!!
Ah, so wonderful. If only I had a garden like that, my oven would be running non stop!
yum! those muffins look amazing!!!
And what about your favourite plum butter! And the sort you can cut into cubes and have with cold meats or with cheese! And plum sauce is nice for a change. And...
yummmm.. :) Just last week I recycled a dozen glass jars to create additional storage. Had a hard time parting with them! LOL!
what a lovely idea to combine your time & rhubarby resources!
Mmm, rhubarb!
Sounds like you and your friend have a great collaboration going. :)
this is a wonderful deal! the muffins look so yummy.
: )
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