Homemade toys

I love homemade toys. I just made this for the kids to play with.

Some old cotton reels threaded on to a piece of string. It kept Isla entertained for ages.

We visited with some friends on the weekend and she had collected up about 20 or so plastic milk and juice bottle lids, they were all the same sort of lids but different colours. She had them in a container with the slot cut in the top. Liam spent ages playing with them and posting them through the slot.

They seem to love playing with things like this. They find simple everyday objects fascinating. Liam is very orderly and loves collecting up like objects, I find little collections all around the house, all lined up neatly. I've started photographing them. He carries sets of things in containers and Isla is not allowed to touch them. At the moment it is snail shells and also matching sea shells that he has collected up out of the footpath.

I'm trying to think of more things I can gather up for them to play with. I want to make some more homemade toys, simple things that encourage them to use their imagination. I know the generations before us did this a lot more. If you have any ideas I would love to hear them.


turehutinker said...

Very cool Hanna and yes yes I have one that I remembered straight away. You could ask your Dad as He used to make them when Adde was born and I then made one for Ash. You Collect used toothbrushes ( this is okay as they get boiled furiously and it's about recycling lol )
When they are hot the bristles can be pulled out and then the toothbrush is bent into a ring shapes and then joined together in a chain.
Wooden clothes pegs are good as they can be tipped out and returned to a container, and Liam could line them up :)
How industrious he is being. XOXO

Anonymous said...

There is nothing that beats an old cardboard carton that they can climb into & turn into a 'house'. Of course you need to accept a large box will be in your lounge/hallway/wherever-it-will-be-in-the-way for a while!What about simple dress-up clothes. Isla may be a little young but I bet she'd still love playing with an old clip purse/handbag. Old containers with lids,shoeboxes of varying sizes.And strangely, old talc powder containers with just a teeny tiny bit of talc left were big favourites!

melissa said...

:) i think about this a lot, too- especially because it really seems that my kids prefer 'everyday object' toys more than anything from the toy shop. (with the exception of lego and train tracks, now that arlo's older.) but here are some things they loved when they were smaller:
cardboard box to decorate with crayons/pens/gluestick and cut-out paper shapes, etc. then blankets and cushions to turn it into a 'hut'.

small containers of different things- pegs, marbles, dried pasta, beads, blocks, to sort and arrange.

big tub of sand/stones/water plus 'tools' (sticks, spoons, etc) to use with it.

two pincushions and some pins, so they can move them from one to the other. (keira was doing this as a baby- she never seemed interested in eating them luckily!)

the website you found is excellent- thanks for sharing the link!

Our Green Nest said...

What a wonderful idea! Love that.