Forest friday

We always visit the horse farm on Fridays with all our home schooling friends and head into the forest to explore. So I thought I'd start sharing our Friday forest walk pictures each week. These photos are from the last couple of weeks.

Can you see Isla disappearing into the bushes?

The kids have claimed an old shed as their club house. It's amazing to watch the way they work together and make plans, so organised and industrious! They have great plans and dreams for this space! they have already spent hours clearing it of moss and leaves and spider webs.
Liam repairing the roof.

We saw two wood pigeons! I love these birds! It's very rare to get to see them. The photo isn't so good as I was zooming in on my phone.

1 comment

Mee said...

Oh that hut! Stuff of dreams. Huts in the bush featured very large on my childhood map. Mostly made of fallen ponga logs and fronds. That one is very 'up market"! :)