Sewing again - a winter top

repurposed merino

Look at that smiling face, I haven't seen it like that for a few days.  She's been stuck in bed with nasty fevers.  But fortunately this morning she is back to her normal temperature, though a little washed out and tired.

But anyway this post is not about that, it's about sewing!  I've started sewing again! After a long drought. Which was mainly due to my fabrics being all packed away and having no real space to set up my sewing machines. But yay, I now have a new sewing space, which I will have to show you soon, but in the mean time, my first project, a winter top for Isla.

repurposed merino repurposed merino

So quick and easy, I love turning old shirts into new shirts.

repurposed merino repurposed merino

I handstitched a little bird on to add some cheer.

repurposed merino repurposed merino


nz green buttons said...

love the little birdy and oh my how she's grown up!

Flower said...

That is so beautiful HAnnah, I always make the arm pit bits too small when I do this:-( I love the bird, very cute xx

the knight circus said...

Love that little girl! That top is great xx

Anonymous said...

Very nice to see that big grin again. And she looks like she's grown since I saw her last!! What are you feeding her? Mxx

dear olive said...

Gorgeous top on a gorgeous girl. And she looks very pleased with it too! Kellie xx

Jodi said...

too cute! and happy to hear she's feeling better...nothing worse than fevers. I always find that after a fever my children seem to have more awareness of the world around them - like it signifies a developmentally leap. Something to ponder x

Catherine said...

Fantastic work! what a nifty way of recycling, and the recipient looks very happy.

Potato said...

So cute! It's got me thinking- what have I got in my towering pile of sweaters that I could transform into a top for one of my boys? I love the bird too. Nice work!