We hung them both out in front of the lounge and have been really enjoying seeing all the birds discover the treats we leave for them.

It took a few days for the birds to first discover the food was there, this yellow finch was our very first visitor. We have since had wax eyes, blackbirds, minors, fantails, thrushes and sparrows come visiting, sometimes there are crowds of them. They line up on the tepee frame over the garden and wait their turn for a feed.

Sometimes the trees are filled with birds. I have noticed a lot more birds all over the garden since we put the feeders in, even when there is no food put out.

The sparrows and wax eyes below are enjoying a tasty treat of seeds and fat that the kids mixed up for them.

wow look at all those birds in that tree! We too have a bird feeder and are big lovers of birds!! Your garden looks yummy Hanna & those winter flowers. xx
What a beautiful spot! Glad young and old alike are enjoying the bird watching. I always loved watching the birds in winter, at the feeders, especially the red cardinals against the white snow.
Glad the birds are enjoying your birthday pressy still! Thanks for the B.D wishes-seems so long ago now....haha.
Birds are fascinating to watch, aren't they? And so many find you quickly at the sniff of a bit of seed! We are lucky enough to have birds nesting in our trees year-on-year and they're a constant source of interest and discussion in the neighbourhood.
This is fantastic!
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