South Island holiday continued...

Second instalment - sorry there was such a delay from the last post, we had a terrible storm and lost power for a few days so I'm a bit behind on things.

This is an amazing old cob house that was on the farm, it was like a museum, the kids had such a great time exploring it.

South Island NZ

South Island NZ

South Island NZ

South Island NZ

South Island NZ

South Island NZ

South Island NZ

South Island NZ

South Island NZ

South Island NZ

South Island NZ

South Island NZ

South Island NZ

South Island NZ

South Island NZ

South Island NZ

South Island NZ

South Island NZ

South Island NZ

South Island NZ

South Island NZ


Anonymous said...

Great photos! The weather looks lovely too, contrary to what Taleb has been telling me. The kids look like they had so much fun, great that they had some mates to play with. Next post, some pics of the boat please!

Anonymous said...

Who forgot to feed the cat hmmm? i'm very surprised that did not get packed into someones bag and brought back home! Would make a great conversation starter!